Monday, March 3, 2008

It's Spring! Rejuvenate Your Research

Is your genealogical research becoming stale? Are you hitting the same brick walls?

With Spring quickly approaching it is time to jump-start your genealogical research. How can you do this?

1. Begin with your computer. Clean out and combine like files relating to your genealogy in appropriately named folders. Make sure any scanned photographs are clearly identified.

2. Go back to some of the message boards you posted long ago, and re-post your request. Make sure the SUBJECT LINE of your post is succinct but includes at least a name/surname, location and approximate date. Include enough information in your post and make sure readers have a way to contact you.

3. Revisit HeritageQuest, GoogleBooks, Google, etc. These are free (HeritageQuest is free at least through your local library). Many new records and resources are popping up on the Internet. A lot can change even in 6 months.

4. Create binders and organize your paperwork. No more piles against the wall!

5. Back up your computer (I mean it!) With the ease of "memory sticks" available there is no reason to lose your data when your computer crashes.